Square a two-digit number that ends in 5

Square a Two-Digit Number

(The Magic Of Math)

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In the previous blog we had read Multiply any two digit number by eleven , today we’ll learn another magic and that is…

Square a two-digit number that ends in 5

For this we need to remember only two things.

1. The answer begins by multiplying the first digit by the next higher digit.

 2. The answer ends in 25.


For example, to square the number 35, we simply multiply the first digit (3) by the next higher digit (4), then attach 25.

Since 3 X 4 = 12,

the answer is 1225.

 Therefore, 35 X 35 = 1225.


Let’s take another example,

Square of 95 = 95 X 95

= multiply the first digit (9) by the next higher digit (10) and attach 25

= ( 9 x 10) 25 = 9025

So, the answer is 9025.

With even more practice, you will be able to perform many calculations faster than someone using a calculator.

In the next blog I will share another Mental Magic, keep reading…


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